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Google AdWords vs Facebook Ads Which is Suitable for your Business

The competition between Google AdWords vs Facebook ads 2018 is very tight. Now a day’s Google AdWords and Facebook ads are the viral and cheap advertising platform. Where both are trying to capture customers through attractive and repeated advertising. Here I will show you which is most suitable for your business through study.  As I said, both are popular and cheap advertising option. But you need to select as per the nature of your business. Google AdWords vs Facebook ads Suitable Google Adwords Need a website URL to start AdWords campaigns There is no minimum spending limit in Google Adwords Google Display Ads you can use maximum text on your custom image Google AdWords Allow Remarketing There is no need a website URL Facebook advertising You have to spend Minimum 40 Rupees per day on Facebook Ad Boost Facebook does not allow maximum text on your pictures Facebook Also Allow Remarketing Facebook ads vs Google AdWords separated by Busines

How to create free website on WordPress step by step

We are writing  this tutorial on request of our valuable users, how to create free website on WordPressstep by step guide . We have split our tutorial in two parts.  First step: search and register a domain name, choosing the best web hosting. Second step : how to install WordPress , select a theme for website layout up to finalized and published. Register a domain name Choose the best WordPress web hosting How to install WordPress Select a best WordPress theme for website WordPress basic configuration setting Creating pages in WordPress Set navigation menu in WordPress website Install important Pluings in WordPress website WordPress is an open source free CMS but you have to pay few amount for desirer domain name registration and web hosting cost every year.

Best free WordPress security Plugins

Best free WordPress security Plugins Best WordPress  security tactics can be implemented, with the combination of essential WordPress  hardening and best free WordPress  security plugins. In my previous article i have written about WordPress Advanced Security Tips Hardening . if you are really serious about WordPress  site security you must read and implement that. Now we come back to this point and let you know the 3 best free WordPress security plugins comparison and reviews.  WordPress sites can be an easy target for attacks because of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords and outdated theme and plugins. Best free WordPress security Plugins Wordfence Security iThemes Security All In One WP Security & Firewall There are many other plugins may be performing better than the above 3 listed plugins. Now i compare some basic features and reviews by other customers on site. These are the best free wordpress security plugins for WordPress website du